Java Programmer's Toolkit
Java Programmer's Toolkit.iso
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File: LLCell.java
Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs, Agorics
Inc, Loral, and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.
Date Who What
24Sep95 dl@cs.oswego.edu Create from collections.java working file
package collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* LLCells extend Cells with standard linkedlist next-fields,
* and provide a standard operations on them.
* <P>
* LLCells are pure implementation tools. They perform
* no argument checking, no result screening, and no synchronization.
* They rely on user-level classes (see for example LinkedList) to do such things.
* Still, the class is made `public' so that you can use them to
* build other kinds of collections or whatever, not just the ones
* currently supported.
* @author Doug Lea
* @version 0.93
* <P> For an introduction to this package see <A HREF="index.html"> Overview </A>.
public class LLCell extends Cell {
private LLCell next_;
* Return the next cell (or null if none)
public final LLCell next() { return next_; }
* set to point to n as next cell
* @param n, the new next cell
public final void next(LLCell n) { next_ = n; }
public LLCell(Object v, LLCell n) { super(v); next_ = n; }
public LLCell(Object v) { this(v, null); }
public LLCell() { this(null, null); }
* Splice in p between current cell and whatever it was previously
* pointing to
* @param p, the cell to splice
public final void linkNext(LLCell p) {
if (p != null) p.next_ = next_;
next_ = p;
* Cause current cell to skip over the current next() one,
* effectively removing the next element from the list
public final void unlinkNext() {
if (next_ != null) next_ = next_.next_;
* Linear search down the list looking for element (using Object.equals)
* @param element to look for
* @return the cell containing element, or null if no such
public final LLCell find(Object element) {
for (LLCell p = this; p != null; p = p.next_)
if (p.element().equals(element)) return p;
return null;
* return the number of cells traversed to find first occurrence
* of a cell with element() element, or -1 if not present
public final int index(Object element) {
int i = 0;
for (LLCell p = this; p != null; p = p.next_) {
if (p.element().equals(element)) return i;
else ++i;
return -1;
* Count the number of occurrences of element in list
public final int count(Object element) {
int c = 0;
for (LLCell p = this; p != null; p = p.next_)
if (p.element().equals(element)) ++c;
return c;
* return the number of cells in the list
public final int length() {
int c = 0;
for (LLCell p = this; p != null; p = p.next_) ++c;
return c;
* return the cell representing the last element of the list
* (i.e., the one whose next() is null
public final LLCell last() {
LLCell p = this;
for ( ; p.next_ != null; p = p.next_) {}
return p;
* return the nth cell of the list, or null if no such
public final LLCell nth(int n) {
LLCell p = this;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) p = p.next_;
return p;
* make a copy of the list; i.e., a new list containing new cells
* but including the same elements in the same order
public LLCell copyList() {
LLCell newlist = null;
try {
newlist = (LLCell)(clone());
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {}
LLCell current = newlist;
for (LLCell p = next_; p != null; p = p.next_) {
try {
current.next_ = (LLCell)(p.clone());
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {}
current = current.next_;
current.next_ = null;
return newlist;
* Clone is SHALLOW; i.e., just makes a copy of the current cell
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return new LLCell(element(), next_);
* Basic linkedlist merge algorithm.
* Merges the lists head by fst and snd with respect to cmp
* @param fst head of the first list
* @param snd head of the second list
* @param cmp a Comparator used to compare elements
* @return the merged ordered list
public static LLCell merge(LLCell fst, LLCell snd, Comparator cmp) {
LLCell a = fst;
LLCell b = snd;
LLCell hd = null;
LLCell current = null;
for (;;) {
if (a == null) {
if (hd == null) hd = b; else current.next(b);
return hd;
else if (b == null) {
if (hd == null) hd = a; else current.next(a);
return hd;
int diff = cmp.compare(a.element(), b.element());
if (diff <= 0) {
if (hd == null) hd = a; else current.next(a);
current = a;
a = a.next();
else {
if (hd == null) hd = b; else current.next(b);
current = b;
b = b.next();
* Standard list splitter, used by sort.
* Splits the list in half. Returns the head of the second half
* @param s the head of the list
* @return the head of the second half
public static LLCell split(LLCell s) {
LLCell fast = s;
LLCell slow = s;
if (fast == null || fast.next() == null) return null;
while (fast != null) {
fast = fast.next();
if (fast != null && fast.next() != null) {
fast = fast.next();
slow = slow.next();
LLCell r = slow.next();
return r;
* Standard merge sort algorithm
* @param s the list to sort
* @param cmp, the comparator to use for ordering
* @return the head of the sorted list
public static LLCell mergeSort(LLCell s, Comparator cmp) {
if (s == null || s.next() == null) return s;
else {
LLCell right = split(s);
LLCell left = s;
left = mergeSort(left, cmp);
right = mergeSort(right, cmp);
return merge(left, right, cmp);